Measure Twice, Cut Once: Benefits of a Thorough Approach in HCM Implementation

Bonnie Tinder, CEO & Founder of Raven Intelligence, is joined by Mike Maiorino, Founder & CEO and Ben Munoz, Chief Services Officer of HRMS Solutions, as they discuss the benefits of a thorough approach in HCM implementations.



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The Allure of Rapid Implementations

Close to half of Enterprise Software implementations fail outright – or fail to deliver the desired outcomes anticipated. While the reasons for these failed projects are many, a common trait is a lack of proper planning and readiness at the outset combined with unrealistic project timeframes.

No matter the size of your company, software implementation is a challenging task that requires careful planning and execution. Few people within an organization understand how time consuming a software implementation actually is, and many rush into rolling out new functions without careful consideration of details. Underestimating the level of effort and time a successful project actually takes is the first step towards project failure.

The allure of rapid implementations is real, with customers being baited by vendors promising quick and easy implementations with lower price tags – but these implementations carry a much greater risk of failure than those done with a comprehensive and thorough approach in HCM implementation.

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“How Fast Can We Go?” Mentality

It’s said for projects they can be good, fast, or cheap—but you can only pick two of the three.

Over the past 15 years, technology has advanced beyond what human services can keep up with. While technology can be highly beneficial and improve business efficiency, no matter what the industry, software in itself will not do the job for you. Companies still have to know how to use and configure it. The common implementation client usually forgets this.

These clients, usually companies with several hundred to several thousand employees, want high quality implementations in half the time and half the price. They are focused on solving their issues as quickly as possible and without the giant price tag.

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A speedy implementation at half the price is very attractive when facing a problem that is costing more time and resources as each day passes. Although the reality is that these quick and cheap implementations are incredibly hard to deliver and the client usually walks away disappointed and full of regret.

Rapid Implementation and Risk

A rushed implementation can send negative ripples through your entire organization and cause future problems ultimately leading to project failure.

Hiccups in the early stages of a go-live can have long-lasting negative impacts. When an implementation is fumbling, individual and team morale takes a hit, and your employee population may start to lose faith in your choice of vendor. Accounting for your employee population during an implementation can help keep risk down.

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HRMS Solutions and a Thorough HCM Implementation

HRMS Solutions offers businesses a unique customer-focused and thorough HCM implementation approach.

Starting with a choice and working with companies to implement a solution that best fits their needs, HRMS Solutions values candor and realistic approaches rather than just telling the client what they want to hear.

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While a client who is looking for a rapid implementation may not appreciate HRMS Solutions’ blunt honesty in the initial stages, having a realistic conversation up front is crucial to a successful implementation.

HRMS aims to provide their clients with the best experience they’ve ever had when purchasing and implementing software technology.

It’s important to deliver every implementation right the first time.

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Benefits to Having HRMS Solutions Involved Early

HRMS Solutions is dedicated to educating and helping their clients to make better, more informed decisions about the solution that is right for their organization. Defining operational and business requirements early on and keeping them in mind throughout the design phase is crucial in any successful implementation.

By coming to the table early and with the understanding that their client knows little to nothing about the capabilities of the software being implemented, HRMS Solutions is able to spend the majority of time early on sharing, explaining, and helping their client understand the choices they will be making and the impact of those choices. The more a client is educated, the more they can properly tell you what they want.

We come to the table with the understanding that the client knows little to nothing about the capabilities of the product. When you get to the point of the design phase, clients and vendors usually rush over this step. HRMS spends a significant amount of time up front orienting, sharing, explaining and telling clients the differences and impacts of choices they will have to make. Our clients are more educated in terms of their ability to tell us what they want and what it’s going to look like before anyone has laid a single brick. Clients really appreciate this level of detail.”  ~ Mike Maiorino, Founder & CEO, HRMS Solutions

Project Consultants with FirstHand Experience

HRMS Solutions’ premier service approach is executed by an experienced team of certified consultants who believe in delivering exceptional service. This team of UKG certified consultants offer clients a better implementation experience and ensure worthwhile project outcomes, because these consultants are not only experts in the software being implemented, they are practitioners with firsthand experience.

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These consultants are able to relate and guide clients through the implementation process because they have been in their shoes before. For HRMS, it’s very important to evaluate their project consultants on client outcomes, which includes surveys and feedback throughout the project.

HRMS Solutions and Project Success

Software and processes are constantly changing, and therefore HRMS has curated a highly engaged feedback process to ensure they are constantly evolving and improving as a company.

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Advice for Future Customers

Implementing new software is always a challenge, even for the most flexible companies, but setting realistic goals and not rushing through the design process can lead to a successful outcome without any regrets. Always remember that it’s best to measure twice and cut once.

“Beware of the commoditization of professional services. Customers who take a longer implementation approach and spend a reasonable amount of time on their implementation, 4 – 6 months versus 12 weeks, will always have a better outcome,” said Mike.

Lastly, Ben said, “Don’t underestimate the effort involved, but do know the effort you do put in will directly transfer to value at the end of the day. Clients who go into an implementation with the mentality that it will be quick and easy, are usually the clients that come to HRMS for additional help and support later to try and clean things up.”

Learn more about HRMS Solutions thorough approach in HCM implementations on their Raven Intelligence profile.

This content originally published October 12, 2022 on